Human society VS Alien civilization Return Index Page

Reward Points Rules!

Posted at 2021-11-24 10:05:21

1:  Every registration eaerns 1000 pionts.

2: Post asking article earns 1000 points.

3: Modify article earns 300 points .

4: Reader select IMP to give your article. Including: 100,500,1000 points.

5: Reader earns 200 points through doing this .

6:Posting review of any kind earns 200 points to the asking article. 

7:Reader earns 200 points by doing this. 

8: Your replication earns 200 points when it is reviewed by other readers.

9: When readers click to agree your answer ,you get 300 points .when clicking to oppose ,your points will be reduced 300 points .

10: Reader earns 100 points by doing clicking to vote.

11: when your answer get selectedas best, your the asking article will get 1000 IMP.

12: when the asking article get answered ,its IMP will earn 200 pints .

13: when the reader modify his answer, he will get 200 points .

14: Posting culture articles earn1000 pints .IMP default is 100,

15: Modifying culture articles earn 200 points.

16: Cooperation article gets (vote num)*300 points. up-votes gain 200 pints ,down-votes reduce 200 points accordingly.

17: Selected index page article, get 1000 points.

Note : IMP means Importance Index Number . Used to show our article’s importance for its publisher.  

If you are suspicious of these rules, you can contact the site admin by Email to express your opinions