Human society VS Alien civilization Return Index Page

 Civilization-research Activity

i have been mind-control and taken suicide 重要性指数!:400
源自!: 吴鹏 发表于 : 2021-11-22 07:56:19 Recommend Reading

i jumped from 4th floor, but i am not dead,badly hurt .my legs were broken.

Please help me discover the truth of this suicide,I must  know the truth and tell the truth.

this is very high-tech ,and i think it will greatly affect future human civilization.This is a good chance for 

scientist to contribute to the  science. You should join me to discover the truth!!

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用户 吴鹏2021-11-22 19:23:29 说::Aliens will Join,they can help a lot. Their voice and hands can help me discover the truth. I am waiting!!!
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