Human society VS Alien civilization Return Index Page

Civilization-related Questions

my website has been reported to the authorities 重要性指数!:200
源自!: 吴鹏 发表于 : 2021-11-24 02:54:17 Recommend Reading

it is being investigated.  This examination is  very complicated and hard to pass. But i have the hope that i can pass the examination and  get the record-code. God bless me ,amen.:) Ithis website is built for communicating with ailen civilization representatives ,are they going to help me to pass the examination???they can easily achieve it. So we humans are waiting ....They will answer this quesiton when  they act...

用户 吴鹏2021-11-24 07:22:32 说::Ailens are coming,they will show signs of their arrival.!!!
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