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May i recall past honey moment? 重要性指数!:200
源自!: 吴鹏 发表于 : 2021-11-24 20:09:29 Recommend Reading

i  cannot  forget  the  honey  moment  ,wudaokou district, beijing  ,My Uncle  and  i  had  lunch  at restaurant. A  girl  sat  there  eating  lunch  ,noticed  me  and  expressed  her  willingness  to marry  me.  A  very  honeyful  moment  for  me,  but  i  still  gave  up  this  opportunity,  and  now i  am  very  regretted  for  this. A  very  nIce  girl.she  should  have  been  my  wife! But  now  it  is  not  true.I  cannot  meet  her again,maybe ailens can help me meet  her again,that is my deep wish!

用户 吴鹏2021-11-24 20:12:08 说::Maybe in my dream, i can meet her again!
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