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I have fallen in love with a girl,almost 10 years, I cherish this for a life! 重要性指数!:200 0  0
源自!: 吴鹏 发表于 : 2021-11-24 09:50:21 Recommend Reading

It's nearly 10 years gao. I met up with a girl for no reason. When i went to tibet  for a travel, I happened tomeet up with her,   She showed up at mangkang bus station. and watching me  walking into the station. I  felt  relaxed and a little unnatural. But it was very little chance that  a beautiful girl watched me so closely. 

 I  went  into the bus, Lately the girl also went up the bus. and she just sat  in front of me. unfortunately ,later a man showed up and argued with her for the seat. he had a ticket of the seat ,so the girl had to leave the seat and sat in the back part ot the bus. I once turned my head and saw her, she was a little  depressed,but seemed  relaxed .

on the journey she played her phone with a love-song,, and she seemed to have a man as an assistant . and this man sat  just on my left side seat. Originally there was a tibetan girl.。I realized this girl had good feeling with me and she travelled  with me on purpose...This was a valuable opportunity.but i missed it  until now. Just because i  was still  not a grow-up. I now feel greatly my whole life.

用户 吴鹏2021-11-24 09:53:20 说::i think aliens may help me find this girl, she is essential for my work and life.She may mind-read with me, Please help me find her. Thank you.