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Is alien civilization interested in exploring mars? 重要性指数!:300 0  0
源自!: 吴鹏 发表于 : 2021-11-24 14:07:32 Recommend Reading

You can see my category of ailen civilization. so for earth ones they may never go to outside of earth.

is this kind of ailen civilization interested in exploring mars? will they contribute to the elon musk's spacex rocket? I think this is important when  musk decide to explore mars. He need to discover the truth of ailen civilization on earth..This  can be a coorperation point for humans and ailen civilization !

用户 吴鹏2021-11-25 06:48:37 说::Elon musk is exploring outer planet,such as mars. So he will be interested in communication with ailens. What does he want to see and get? He needs to be here and answer this! A call from china!!!
用户 吴鹏2021-11-24 14:08:17 说::elon musk need to give his opinion about this !!!